Welcome to PLN
Few nationwide clinical registries exist to collect data regarding the practice of cardiopulmonary bypass and none exist which focus specifically on congenital perfusion. The PERForm registry was established over a decade ago and is embedded in the Michigan Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons Quality Collaborative with the American Society of Extracorporeal Technology (AmSECT) for mutual endorsement and is focused on adult perfusion.
Being a very robust perfusion registry with years of experience collecting and analyzing perfusion data, representatives from Cincinnati Children's and Children's of Colorado engaged principal actors in the PERForm registry to develop the PediPERForm registry, the database component of the PediPERFrom Learning Network (PLN).
The mission of the PLN, in partnership with AmSECT and Cardiac Networks United, is to establish, maintain, and leverage a pediatric and congenital perfusion registry and facilitate the use of complementary databases to support quality assurance and improvement processes, as well as research, within the national and international pediatric and congenital perfusion community.
The global aim of PLN is to improve pediatric and congenital perfusion outcomes and value from the perspective of the patient, family, and medical team.
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Funding Acknowledgement
Current funding sources for the PediPERForm Learning Network include participation fees from enrolled care centers and a grant from the Congenital Heart Alliance of Cincinnati.