
Scientific Review Committee

PLN’s Scientific Review Committee consists of the Scientific Review Committee Chair, one representative from AmSECT’s Quality Improvement Committee, one representative from AmSECT’s Pediatric and Congenital Perfusion Committee, and two to four at large members from the congenital perfusion community. Duties of the SRC include review, acceptance, or feedback to data and research requests utilizing PLN data.

Scientific Review Committee Members

Justin Farr

SRC Chair

Alexandra Hank

SRC Committee Member

Greg Matte

SRC Committee Member

Jordan Brimhall

SRC Committee Member

Ed Darling

SRC Committee Member

Isaac Chinnappan

SRC Committee Member & AmSECT’s PCPC

Quality Improvement Committee

PLN’s Quality Improvement Committee consists of standing members including the Quality Improvement Committee Chair, representation from AmSECT’s Quality Improvement Committee, representation from AmSECT’s Pediatric and Congenital Perfusion Committee, and two at large members of the congenital perfusion community. Additionally, one ad hoc representative from each member institution is included on the committee. Duties of the QIC include identifying variation in practice, development, and dissemination of quality improvement projects aimed to improve care during pediatric and congenital cardiopulmonary bypass.

Quality Improvement Committee Members

Molly Oldeen

QIC Chair

Cindy Urbas

QIC Committee Member

Justin Sleasman

QIC Committee Member

Tiffany Robb

QIC Committee Member & AmSECT’s QIC

Ed Harman

QIC Committee Member


Funding Acknowledgement

Current funding sources for the PediPERForm Learning Network include participation fees from enrolled care centers and a grant from the Congenital Heart Alliance of Cincinnati.